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  • David Manuel Lelinho da Motta Marques - Prof. Dr

  • Fernando Jorge Corrêa Magalhães Filho - Prof. Dr.

  • Lúcia Helena Ribeiro Rodrigues - Profª. Dra.

  • Caroline Ciecelski Brito 

  • Fabielle Aparecida dos Santos Martins 

  • Gabriela Borba Silveira

  • Gabriela Michelon Steinmetz 

  • Isabelli Lago Leon Patussi 

  • Luca Zart Klafke  

  • Lucas Barbosa de Jesus 



  • ​Chamada No 58/2022 - Programa Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia - Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Soluções baseadas na Natureza - INCT SbN;


  • FAPERGS 14/2022 - ARD/ARC - Soluções baseadas na Natureza (SbN) para água e saneamento no contexto da segurança hídrica e controle da poluição: uma visão integrada para o aprimoramento ecotecnológico e um inventário para as condições do RS (EcoInventSbN);

  • Sistema integrado descentralizado de tratamento de águas residuárias para descarte seguro e reuso;

  • Eco design aplicado ao saneamento ambiental através de sistema integrado composto por microalgas e wetland construído de fluxo subsuperficial horizontal em escala real no tratamento de efluentes em unidade de turismo;​


  • Tratamento de efluentes urbanos e recuperação de energia através de sistema integrado composto por reator anaeróbio, microalgas e wetlands construídos;


  • Soluções baseadas na Natureza (SbN) aplicadas ao tratamento de efluentes, águas residuárias e restauração ambiental;

  • Análise do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) do tijolo cerâmico e do tijolo solo cimento;

  • Tecnologias apropriadas para abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário em áreas rurais;


  • Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para o processo de planejamento, implementação e gestão de sistemas sustentáveis de saneamento para comunidades isoladas;


  • Saneamento básico e sustentabilidade da agricultura familiar;

  • Incorporação de resíduos em tijolo de solo-cimento;


  • Tratamento e reuso de águas cinza para conservação da água e ampliação de áreas verdes visando melhoria de microclima e conforto ambiental na habitação de interesse social​;


  • Biomanipulação e parametrização de modelos ecológicos para controle natural de cianobactérias em lagos e reservatórios;


  • A hidrodinâmica como fator de influência no metabolismo básico do banhado do Taim: indicações para a gestão do sistema;


  • Sistema Hidrológico do Taim;




  • Influence of Land Use and Land Cover on the Quality of Surface Waters and Natural Wetlands in the Miranda River Watershed, Brazilian Pantanal.

  • Ozonation process at neutral pH integrated with anaerobic treatment system to methylparaben removal.

  • Optimizing sewage treatment by UV/H2O2 process and vertical flow constructed wetland integration.


  • Influence of loading rates and feeding conditions on hybrid constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells.

  • Energy recovery by anaerobic digestion of algal biomass from integrated microalgae/constructed wetland wastewater treatment.

  • Assessment of surfactant removal capacity and microbial community diversity in a greywater-treating constructed wetland

  • Environmental assessment of on-site source-separated wastewater treatment and reuse systems for resource recovery in a sustainable sanitation view.

  • A interface entre as melhores técnicas disponíveis e soluções baseadas na natureza no licenciamento ambiental.

  • Optimization of a combined system of vertical flow constructed wetland and solar photo-Fenton for ketoprofen removal in sewage and landfill leachate.


  • Microbial fuel cells and constructed wetlands as a sustainable alternative for the treatment of hospital laundry wastewaters: Assessment of load parameters and genotoxicity.

  • Wastewater treatment using bamboos in constructed wetlands: experiences and future perspectives.

  • Salty freshwater macrophytes: the effects of salinization in freshwaters upon non-halophyte aquatic plants.

  • Methane production in the co-digestion of landfill leachate with domestic sewage and the methanogenic activity of full-scale UASB reactors.

  • Integrating vertical flow constructed wetlands to improve septic tank and stabilization ponds effluent quality for recycling water and nutrients at cherry tomato production.

  • Startup of UASB reactor with limestone fixed bed operating in the thermophilic range using vinasse as substrate.

  • Technical Note 4 - Reuse water: grey water treated in constructed wetlands.


  • Density versus biomass responses of zooplankton to environmental variability in a subtropical shallow lake.

  • Floating treatment wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cell for the treatment of urban wastewaters and bioenergy generation.

  • Root growth and nutrient removal of Typha domingensis and Schoenoplectus californicus over the period of plant establishment in a constructed floating wetland.

  • Floating treatment wetland for nutrient removal and acute ecotoxicity improvement of untreated urban wastewater.

  • Floating Treatment Wetlands in domestic wastewater treatment as a decentralized sanitation alternative.

  • Treatment of University Campus Wastewaters by Anaerobic Reactor and Multi-stage Constructed Wetlands.

  • Hybrid constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells and reactive bed filter for wastewater treatment and bioelectricity generation.

  • Valoração de serviços ecossistêmicos em uma bacia de abastecimento na Rota de Integração Latino-Americana.

  • Diclofenac toxicity abatement in wastewater with solar disinfection: a study in the rural area of Brazil's Central-West region.

  • Avaliação quantitativa de risco microbiológico à saúde humana associado ao reúso de esgoto doméstico tratado por Soluções baseadas na Natureza

  • Multistage Constructed Wetland in the Treatment of Greywater under Tropical Conditions: Performance, Operation, and Maintenance.


  • Nature-based solutions for managing the urban surface runoff: an application of a floating constructed wetland.

  • Hybrid Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Urban Wastewaters: Increased Nutrient Removal and Landscape Potential.

  • Combined system for wastewater treatment: Ozonization and coagulation via tannin-based agent for harvesting microalgae by dissolved air flotation.

  • Biomonitoring of urban wastewaters treated by an integrated system combining microalgae and constructed wetlands.

  • Influence of earthworm presence and hydraulic loading rate on the performance of vertical flow constructed wetlands.

  • Comportamento de wetland construído de fluxo vertical com fundo parcialmente saturado na remoção de matéria orgânica nitrogenada e fósforo.

  • Microbiological evaluation of constructed wetlands and solar disinfection in wastewater treatment and reuse.

  • Impact of an extension project in the area of engineering, sanitation, environment and water resources on the local community.

  • Pharmaceuticals residues and xenobiotics contaminants: Occurrence, analytical techniques and sustainable alternatives for wastewater treatment.


  • The structuring role of macrophytes on plankton community composition and bacterial metabolism in a large subtropical shallow lake.

  • Production of barbatimão (Stryphnodendron adstringens) seedlings of increasing doses of domestic effluent.

  • Evapotranspiration tank for the treatment, disposal and resource recovery of blackwater.

  • Ibuprofen and caffeine removal in vertical flow and free-floating macrophyte constructed wetlands with Heliconia rostrata and Eichornia crassipes.

  • A multivariate statistical approach to the integration of different land-uses, seasons, and water quality as water resources management tool.

  • Effects of graywater on the growth and survival of ornamental plants in nature-based systems.


  • The structuring role of submerged macrophytes in a large subtropical shallow lake: Clear effects on water chemistry and phytoplankton structure community along a vegetated-pelagic gradient.

  • Environmental evaluation of flocculation efficiency in the separation of the microalgal biomass of Scenedesmus sp. cultivated in full-scale photobioreactors.

  • Hydraulic and hydrological aspects of an evapotranspiration-constructed wetland combined system for household greywater treatment.

  • Construction waste used as fine aggregates in non-structural concrete.


  • Development of temporary subtropical wetlands induces higher gas production.

  • Short-term photochemical and biological unreactivity of macrophyte-derived dissolved organic matter in a subtropical shallow lake.


  • A community-based framework for aquatic ecosystem models 

  • Avaliação da Taxa Diária de Evapotranspiração da Macrófita Aquática Zizaniopsis bonariensis


  • Dynamics of plankton and fish in a subtropical temporary wetland: Rice fields 


  • Produção de Gases de Efeito Estufa (CH4 e CO2) em Banhados Temporários Subtropcais 

  • Regime térmico em águas correntes e sua importância na estrutura do habitat e na biologia de organismos aquáticos 

  • Zooplankton Density Prediction in a Flood Lake (Pantanal - Brazil) Using Artificial Neural Networks 

  • A Modelagem Ecológica como Ferramenta Auxiliar para Restauração de Lagos Rasos Tropicais e Subtropicais 

  • Climate-dependent CO2 emissions from lakes 

  • Produção de Gases de Efeito Estufa (CH4 e CO2) em Banhados Temporários Subtropicais.


  • Modelling spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton in Lake Mangueira, a large shallow subtropical lake in South Brazil -

  • Ecohydrology towards the sustainable development: An approach based on South American case studies

  • Efeito da Liberação de Nutrientes por Plantas Aquáticas sobre a Dinâmica de Estados Alternativos da Comunidade Fitoplanctônica em um Lago Raso Subtropical 


  • Modelling spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton in Lake Mangueira, a large shallow subtropical lake in South Brazil -

  • Ecohydrology towards the sustainable development: An approach based on South American case studies -

  • Efeito da Liberação de Nutrientes por Plantas Aquáticas sobre a Dinâmica de Estados Alternativos da Comunidade Fitoplanctônica em um Lago Raso Subtropical -


  • Simulação de Eutrofização em Lagos Rasos: I - Modelo e Precisão Numérica -

  • Simulação de Eutrofização em Lagos Rasos II: Sistema do Taim (RS) -

  • Influence of the hydrological changes on the phytoplankton structure and dynamics in a subtropical wetland-lake system


  • Water dynamics, phytoplanktgon biomass and size structure of a shallow freshwater subtropical lake (Itapeva lake, south of Brazil)

  • Lagoa Mirim e a convenção Ramsar: um modelo para a ação transfronteiriça na conservação de recursos hídricos 


  • Mecanismos de Remoción de Contaminantes de Drenajes Ácidos de Minas Usando Wetlands 

  • Performance of two macrophytes species in experimental wetlands receiving variable loads of anaerobically treated municipal wastewater 

  • The effects of refinery effluent on the aquatic macrophytes Scirpus californicus, Typha subolata and Zizaniopsis bonariensis -

  • Regime hidrológico de banhados e sua conservação 


  • The Taim Wetland Conflict: A Compromise Between Environmental Conservation and Irrigation 


  • Establishment of Three Emergent Macrophytes under Different Hydric Regimes - 1999


  • O Uso de Subsolo Como Susbtrato Para Construção de Banhados Com Macrófitas Aquáticas Emergentes Sob Diferentes Regimes Hídricos


  • Anaerobic Digestion Of Biomass Of Typha Latifolia L: An Ecotechnological Opportunity For Aquatic Macrophytes


  • Created Wetland Systems For Alternative Control Of Diffuse Acid Drainage


  • A Study Of The Effects Of Methanol In Start-Up Of A UASB Reactor

  • An Investigation Of Start-Up In Anaerobic Fillers Utilizing Dairy Waste

  • Process Aiders For Start-Up Of Anaerobic Fluidised Bed Systems

  • Start-Up Of Anaerobic Fluidised Bed Systems Treating Dairy Waste


  • The Effect Of Transient Loading, pH And Temperature Shocks On Anaerobic Filters And Fluidised Beds

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