David Manuel Lelinho da Motta Marques - Prof. Dr
Fernando Jorge Corrêa Magalhães Filho - Prof. Dr.
Lúcia Helena Ribeiro Rodrigues - Profª. Dra.
Caroline Ciecelski Brito
Fabielle Aparecida dos Santos Martins
Gabriela Borba Silveira
Gabriela Michelon Steinmetz
Isabelli Lago Leon Patussi
Luca Zart Klafke
Lucas Barbosa de Jesus
Chamada No 58/2022 - Programa Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia - Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Soluções baseadas na Natureza - INCT SbN;
FAPERGS 14/2022 - ARD/ARC - Soluções baseadas na Natureza (SbN) para água e saneamento no contexto da segurança hídrica e controle da poluição: uma visão integrada para o aprimoramento ecotecnológico e um inventário para as condições do RS (EcoInventSbN);
Sistema integrado descentralizado de tratamento de águas residuárias para descarte seguro e reuso;
Eco design aplicado ao saneamento ambiental através de sistema integrado composto por microalgas e wetland construído de fluxo subsuperficial horizontal em escala real no tratamento de efluentes em unidade de turismo;
Tratamento de efluentes urbanos e recuperação de energia através de sistema integrado composto por reator anaeróbio, microalgas e wetlands construídos;
Soluções baseadas na Natureza (SbN) aplicadas ao tratamento de efluentes, águas residuárias e restauração ambiental;
Análise do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) do tijolo cerâmico e do tijolo solo cimento;
Tecnologias apropriadas para abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário em áreas rurais;
Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para o processo de planejamento, implementação e gestão de sistemas sustentáveis de saneamento para comunidades isoladas;
Saneamento básico e sustentabilidade da agricultura familiar;
Incorporação de resíduos em tijolo de solo-cimento;
Tratamento e reuso de águas cinza para conservação da água e ampliação de áreas verdes visando melhoria de microclima e conforto ambiental na habitação de interesse social;
Biomanipulação e parametrização de modelos ecológicos para controle natural de cianobactérias em lagos e reservatórios;
A hidrodinâmica como fator de influência no metabolismo básico do banhado do Taim: indicações para a gestão do sistema;
Sistema Hidrológico do Taim;
Influence of Land Use and Land Cover on the Quality of Surface Waters and Natural Wetlands in the Miranda River Watershed, Brazilian Pantanal.
Ozonation process at neutral pH integrated with anaerobic treatment system to methylparaben removal.
Optimizing sewage treatment by UV/H2O2 process and vertical flow constructed wetland integration.
Influence of loading rates and feeding conditions on hybrid constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells.
Energy recovery by anaerobic digestion of algal biomass from integrated microalgae/constructed wetland wastewater treatment.
Assessment of surfactant removal capacity and microbial community diversity in a greywater-treating constructed wetland
Environmental assessment of on-site source-separated wastewater treatment and reuse systems for resource recovery in a sustainable sanitation view.
A interface entre as melhores técnicas disponíveis e soluções baseadas na natureza no licenciamento ambiental.
Optimization of a combined system of vertical flow constructed wetland and solar photo-Fenton for ketoprofen removal in sewage and landfill leachate.
Microbial fuel cells and constructed wetlands as a sustainable alternative for the treatment of hospital laundry wastewaters: Assessment of load parameters and genotoxicity.
Wastewater treatment using bamboos in constructed wetlands: experiences and future perspectives.
Salty freshwater macrophytes: the effects of salinization in freshwaters upon non-halophyte aquatic plants.
Methane production in the co-digestion of landfill leachate with domestic sewage and the methanogenic activity of full-scale UASB reactors.
Integrating vertical flow constructed wetlands to improve septic tank and stabilization ponds effluent quality for recycling water and nutrients at cherry tomato production.
Startup of UASB reactor with limestone fixed bed operating in the thermophilic range using vinasse as substrate.
Technical Note 4 - Reuse water: grey water treated in constructed wetlands.
Density versus biomass responses of zooplankton to environmental variability in a subtropical shallow lake.
Floating treatment wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cell for the treatment of urban wastewaters and bioenergy generation.
Root growth and nutrient removal of Typha domingensis and Schoenoplectus californicus over the period of plant establishment in a constructed floating wetland.
Floating treatment wetland for nutrient removal and acute ecotoxicity improvement of untreated urban wastewater.
Floating Treatment Wetlands in domestic wastewater treatment as a decentralized sanitation alternative.
Treatment of University Campus Wastewaters by Anaerobic Reactor and Multi-stage Constructed Wetlands.
Hybrid constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells and reactive bed filter for wastewater treatment and bioelectricity generation.
Valoração de serviços ecossistêmicos em uma bacia de abastecimento na Rota de Integração Latino-Americana.
Diclofenac toxicity abatement in wastewater with solar disinfection: a study in the rural area of Brazil's Central-West region.
Avaliação quantitativa de risco microbiológico à saúde humana associado ao reúso de esgoto doméstico tratado por Soluções baseadas na Natureza
Multistage Constructed Wetland in the Treatment of Greywater under Tropical Conditions: Performance, Operation, and Maintenance.
Nature-based solutions for managing the urban surface runoff: an application of a floating constructed wetland.
Hybrid Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Urban Wastewaters: Increased Nutrient Removal and Landscape Potential.
Combined system for wastewater treatment: Ozonization and coagulation via tannin-based agent for harvesting microalgae by dissolved air flotation.
Biomonitoring of urban wastewaters treated by an integrated system combining microalgae and constructed wetlands.
Influence of earthworm presence and hydraulic loading rate on the performance of vertical flow constructed wetlands.
Comportamento de wetland construído de fluxo vertical com fundo parcialmente saturado na remoção de matéria orgânica nitrogenada e fósforo.
Microbiological evaluation of constructed wetlands and solar disinfection in wastewater treatment and reuse.
Impact of an extension project in the area of engineering, sanitation, environment and water resources on the local community.
Pharmaceuticals residues and xenobiotics contaminants: Occurrence, analytical techniques and sustainable alternatives for wastewater treatment.
The structuring role of macrophytes on plankton community composition and bacterial metabolism in a large subtropical shallow lake.
Production of barbatimão (Stryphnodendron adstringens) seedlings of increasing doses of domestic effluent.
Evapotranspiration tank for the treatment, disposal and resource recovery of blackwater.
Ibuprofen and caffeine removal in vertical flow and free-floating macrophyte constructed wetlands with Heliconia rostrata and Eichornia crassipes.
A multivariate statistical approach to the integration of different land-uses, seasons, and water quality as water resources management tool.
Effects of graywater on the growth and survival of ornamental plants in nature-based systems.
The structuring role of submerged macrophytes in a large subtropical shallow lake: Clear effects on water chemistry and phytoplankton structure community along a vegetated-pelagic gradient.
Environmental evaluation of flocculation efficiency in the separation of the microalgal biomass of Scenedesmus sp. cultivated in full-scale photobioreactors.
Hydraulic and hydrological aspects of an evapotranspiration-constructed wetland combined system for household greywater treatment.
Construction waste used as fine aggregates in non-structural concrete.
Development of temporary subtropical wetlands induces higher gas production.
Short-term photochemical and biological unreactivity of macrophyte-derived dissolved organic matter in a subtropical shallow lake.
A community-based framework for aquatic ecosystem models
Avaliação da Taxa Diária de Evapotranspiração da Macrófita Aquática Zizaniopsis bonariensis
Dynamics of plankton and fish in a subtropical temporary wetland: Rice fields
Produção de Gases de Efeito Estufa (CH4 e CO2) em Banhados Temporários Subtropcais
Regime térmico em águas correntes e sua importância na estrutura do habitat e na biologia de organismos aquáticos
Zooplankton Density Prediction in a Flood Lake (Pantanal - Brazil) Using Artificial Neural Networks
A Modelagem Ecológica como Ferramenta Auxiliar para Restauração de Lagos Rasos Tropicais e Subtropicais
Climate-dependent CO2 emissions from lakes
Produção de Gases de Efeito Estufa (CH4 e CO2) em Banhados Temporários Subtropicais.
Modelling spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton in Lake Mangueira, a large shallow subtropical lake in South Brazil -
Ecohydrology towards the sustainable development: An approach based on South American case studies
Efeito da Liberação de Nutrientes por Plantas Aquáticas sobre a Dinâmica de Estados Alternativos da Comunidade Fitoplanctônica em um Lago Raso Subtropical
Modelling spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton in Lake Mangueira, a large shallow subtropical lake in South Brazil -
Ecohydrology towards the sustainable development: An approach based on South American case studies -
Efeito da Liberação de Nutrientes por Plantas Aquáticas sobre a Dinâmica de Estados Alternativos da Comunidade Fitoplanctônica em um Lago Raso Subtropical -
Simulação de Eutrofização em Lagos Rasos: I - Modelo e Precisão Numérica -
Simulação de Eutrofização em Lagos Rasos II: Sistema do Taim (RS) -
Influence of the hydrological changes on the phytoplankton structure and dynamics in a subtropical wetland-lake system
Water dynamics, phytoplanktgon biomass and size structure of a shallow freshwater subtropical lake (Itapeva lake, south of Brazil)
Lagoa Mirim e a convenção Ramsar: um modelo para a ação transfronteiriça na conservação de recursos hídricos
Mecanismos de Remoción de Contaminantes de Drenajes Ácidos de Minas Usando Wetlands
Performance of two macrophytes species in experimental wetlands receiving variable loads of anaerobically treated municipal wastewater
The effects of refinery effluent on the aquatic macrophytes Scirpus californicus, Typha subolata and Zizaniopsis bonariensis -
Regime hidrológico de banhados e sua conservação
The Taim Wetland Conflict: A Compromise Between Environmental Conservation and Irrigation
Establishment of Three Emergent Macrophytes under Different Hydric Regimes - 1999
O Uso de Subsolo Como Susbtrato Para Construção de Banhados Com Macrófitas Aquáticas Emergentes Sob Diferentes Regimes Hídricos
Anaerobic Digestion Of Biomass Of Typha Latifolia L: An Ecotechnological Opportunity For Aquatic Macrophytes
Created Wetland Systems For Alternative Control Of Diffuse Acid Drainage
A Study Of The Effects Of Methanol In Start-Up Of A UASB Reactor
An Investigation Of Start-Up In Anaerobic Fillers Utilizing Dairy Waste
Process Aiders For Start-Up Of Anaerobic Fluidised Bed Systems
Start-Up Of Anaerobic Fluidised Bed Systems Treating Dairy Waste
The Effect Of Transient Loading, pH And Temperature Shocks On Anaerobic Filters And Fluidised Beds